( All the links I supply bring you to the same page...on Dr. Mercola's health site.)
Here's a good video to watch if you do not want to do all the reading. It's only 6 minutes.
"Sunscreen blocks your bodies production of Vitamin D. Most brand contain
toxic free radical generators which I believe can increase your risk of disease.
Here's the ultimate way to protect yourself this summer..."-Dr. MercolaAn interesting side:
Since I lost my D&G sunglasses last summer I've been thinking about whether or not it is even safe to use them. I pondered whether there were good things from the sun that my eyes needed that the sunglasses were blocking. I planned on googling it
to see what others believed about the safety of sunglasses but hadn't got around
to it. Till today. If you watch the video I linked to you will hear
about how the sunglasses do block good things from our eyes, things our eyes
need to be healthy. Watch it and get back to me with what you think about what
he says. After watching, answer this:Will you still wear sunglasses? If not,
why not?As for me, I will just continue to do without, ( new sunglasses are expensive!) but will start to consider wearing a visor and perhaps a bit
of natural sunscreen around my eyes.Also, if you wear mosquito spray and sunscreen how do you feel
about that now? Have you found contrary information to this that would prove for me that it is still safer to wear them then to be exposed to the sun and the pests. I'd love to hear the other side of the story...
Hmmm... I haven't heard any other side to the story. Very interesting information. I don't often wear sunglasses because half the time I forget them or can't find them. I just bought a large floppy sun hat that I plan to wear lots this summer.
ReplyDeleteWill you be getting the sunscreen and mosquito spray? Maybe we could go halfers just to see if we like it??? It's pretty expensive, eh? But now that I know, I hate to think that I'm smearing harmful chemicals unto my kids' skin when we're camping, etc.! Normally I don't bother with sunscreen but when we're at the lake for hours on end... I/we really do need something!
I don't wear sunglasses anymore because I would have to buy some to snap onto my glasses and I can't be bothered, I find wearing my sun hat works great. As for the sun screen and spray, I am going to have to read the links you posted! I have always felt like I was doing my skin harm when I smeared that stuff on...
ReplyDeleteKatrina, I didn't understand what you meant by doing halfers.Please explain. Or do you mean we buy a tube of that good stuff and share it?
ReplyDeleteNo, I mean that it looks like that at the bottom of that website, they give you an option to purchase a kit. The kit looks like it has two of each item for 80 some dollars. We could each put in 40something and then each take a bottle of each when it arrives. I'll double check on all this... maybe check it out yourself as well?
ReplyDeleteOk, so I double checked...
ReplyDeleteScroll down to the very bottom, then scroll up a bit until you get to the deal that says "SUMMER SURVIVAL FAMILY KIT" for $85.84
Seems like quite the kit... enough for us to share... what do you think?
Yes, I remember it now! Good idea! I will try to order it as soon as I bring money to the account in the city.