Here's what I learned today:
That microwaves zap nutrients right out of your foods. What's the point of eating then, if there is no more sustenance to be had?
That studies have documented immediate and dramatic changes in your heart rate after consuming microwaved foods.
That microwaves leak radiation. I'm sure I need not say more about that.
That microwaves change your foods chemical structure.
That microwaves can cause a whole range of unwanted symptoms that they now called 'microwave sickness'.
For more about microwaves, click the link directly below.
Here's what I've been doing more of:
Really, in the end I only used my microwave for defrosting meat, heating water and reheating leftovers. Occasionally I would steam my veggies. Now I only want to use it to disinfect my dish clothes every once in a while.
Do you use your microwave? If so, will you still? If yes, why?
"Sunscreen blocks your bodies production of Vitamin D. Most brand contain
toxic free radical generators which I believe can increase your risk of disease.
Here's the ultimate way to protect yourself this summer..."-Dr. MercolaAn interesting side:
Since I lost my D&G sunglasses last summer I've been thinking about whether or not it is even safe to use them. I pondered whether there were good things from the sun that my eyes needed that the sunglasses were blocking. I planned on googling it
to see what others believed about the safety of sunglasses but hadn't got around
to it. Till today. If you watch the video I linked to you will hear
about how the sunglasses do block good things from our eyes, things our eyes
need to be healthy. Watch it and get back to me with what you think about what
he says. After watching, answer this:Will you still wear sunglasses? If not,
why not?As for me, I will just continue to do without, ( new sunglasses are expensive!) but will start to consider wearing a visor and perhaps a bit
of natural sunscreen around my eyes.Also, if you wear mosquito spray and sunscreen how do you feel
about that now? Have you found contrary information to this that would prove for me that it is still safer to wear them then to be exposed to the sun and the pests. I'd love to hear the other side of the story...
With all this in mind and a determination to begin a consistent exercise program that would fit my needs and desires I began my search for the perfect workout.
Along comes Walking at Home with Leslie Samsone. Most of this video is walking in place with all the enhancing exercises that can be done will doing the walk. Leslie has been on my shelf for a few years now but I refused to look her way until a few weeks ago. I glanced at her book long enough to remember that I had one of her videos stored away and that I ought to give it a try. I dug it out and promptly fell to watching it. As I watched with nary a sweat, I became excited. I could do this. And I did. And again and again. Leslie is very enthusiastic and she has other exercising with her in the videos. She is humorous and cheery. I can feel as if I am with people to a degree and this is important to me. Now I have 4 of her exercise videos and am enjoying the ability I have to change them up. When I get bored I will just buy some more.
That is how I get in aerobics every second day. I do it in my center hall while Channie watches me and does her annoying copying thing. Every word I say, see copies. She thinks she's being cute, but it annoys me somethin' fierce.
Then I walk the road a couple times a week with either a neighbor or a friend.
And I do two weight training videos a week, at least I am trying to do two. These are not as welcome for me but I need to build up muscle in order to metabolize my foods so much better and faster. Both weight training and the walking with Leslie can be done outdoors on my deck. Another big deal for me.
Put these all together, along with the stretching and I have a program that fits many of my needs and comes close to the perfect way for me to get my exercise.
Fitness is so important for us. It gives us such a boost of energy and confidence. Tell me, how do you get in your daily quota of heart and mind-healthy activity?